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The December Hangover

Feeling hungover?

You’re probably thinking WTF?

Just bear with me...

Do you feel a little tired or sluggish?

Do you find yourself thinking a bit harder than you should about what day it is? Even though we are nearly halfway through January?

Do you feel a bit anxious about…

Going back to work or being at work?

Navigating the school holidays?

Or the year that lies ahead… the goals and projects you have set for yourself?

Are you feeling unmotivated?

If you answered yes to any of the above, chances are you have a case of what I like to call…

The December Hangover.

Because of course, you are going to feel off-kilter after a few days or weeks of overindulging in the good stuff… food, friends, family, fun, etc.

Too much of anything ain’t good! Even if it feels good at the time.

And just like a typical hangover, it will pass.

Time helps.

Movement helps.

Giving your body what it needs helps.

And being kind and patient with yourself… really helps.

But if you find this feeling lingering around a little too long. Make sure you speak to someone you trust or hit HQCS up.

We’ll help you dial down the overwhelm and noise.

Chunk down what seems impossible.

And help you find space and perspective so that you have clarity for the year ahead.

To book an appointment with Chelsea, Merrilyn or me please email and advise of the counsellor you would prefer to see and list your ideal session times. Our team will get back to you within 48 hours to arrange a convenient time.

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